SgtRumpel sucht Let’s Player

Mein alter Neodelight Kollege und Youtube-Größe* SgtRumpel bietet nachwuchs-Let’s Playern die Möglichkeit in seiner umfangreichen Freeware Datenbank präsentiert zu werden. Eine tolle zusätzliche Motivation für Let’s Play Workshops.

„In der Datenbank gibt es einige Freeware-Spiele, zu denen es noch keine Videos gibt und ich werde regelmäßig neue hinzufügen. Vielleicht hast Du ja Lust, eines zu machen? Dann kann es sein, dass Dein Video hier auf das Freeware-Spiel vorstellt. Das Video kannst Du natürlich auf Deinem Youtube-Channel veröffentlichen und sogar monetarisieren.“

Einfach kostenloses Spiel aussuchen und Let’s Plays anfertigen. Dabei aber darauf achten, dass das Spiel auch altersgemäß ist.

Alle Infos:

Und das ganze erklärt per Video:

*SgtRumpel hat zwar „nur“ 160.000 Abonnenten, er produziert aber die wöchentliche „Let’s Play Together“ Show von Gronkh (2,8 Mio) und Sarazar (1,2 Mio), die zu den bekanntesten Youtubern Deutschland gehören.


Zoing LogoD2Zoing war eines der ersten deutschen Massively Multiplayer Online Games und mein erstes Spiel. Es erfreute sich 2000-2002 recht großer Beliebtheit, wurde aber im Zuge des DotCom Crashes eingestellt. Es konnte mobil (SMS) und am PC (Flash-Multiplayer-Adventure) gespielt werden.

Ich habe eine Seite eingerichtet, auf der nach und nach noch erhaltene Zeugnisse von Zoing gesammelt werden sollen:

D2Zoing Hochzeit
Hier ein Screenshot von der ersten "User-Hochzeit" in Zoing. Für die Hochzeiten erstellten wir einen einen Ring, den nur die Spiele-Entwickler vergeben konnten. Man konnte also "offiziell" heiraten.

Fishing in Lake Sagar

As I wrote in another post we sold and all our sources to 7Seas Technologies.

In January 2008 the Neodelight staff was in Hyderabad/India to train the 7Seas team on our sources. We wanted them to learn on the job and therefore created a nice little game with them which even has some serious thoughts to it:

When we were sight seeing in Hyderabad, we visited Lake Sagar, a picturesque but heavily polluted lake (to keep us from doing foolish things a man told us „When you swim here – you die!„).
Around the lake we saw many „not littering“ signs which hopefully will have an effect soon.

We crossed the need to train the team with the problem of the polluted lake and got as a result the game „Clean Sagar“ in which you have to fish out garbage from the lake so it can recover.
Three days after the idea the completed game was released on the official press conference and the game became a big hit in the press as well as with Indian gamers.

The other game which was released on the press conference was Mouse Maze. This very nice mouse avoider which we created in 2007 even won the FICCI FRAMES Best of Animation Frames Award for the online gaming category. By the way, Halo 3 won best console game and Gears of War best PC game awards.

So everybody was very happy with the press conference. Especially the fish in Lake Sagar.

What is next?

I am writing this in Hyderabad/India. Last week my two partners and me transferred our casual games assets to the Indian company 7Seas Technologies (press release, news coverage). Together with the brand „Neodelight“ we sold our portal (, games as well as engine technology. Training the 7Seas team on our technology as well as business model was a very demanding and interesting task. I am really interested in how they will do with the combined potential of our technology and their man power.

During the last six months I was asked several times why we are selling Neodelight.
We started Neodelight 5,5 years ago. We created some games, they became popular. We created more games and the portal and both prospered together. For this whole time Neodelight was just a part time job my business partners Florian Metzger and me. Florian was studying Art and later concentrated on his band Haferflocken Swingers. I was studying Sociology, Political Science and Psychology. Robert Wenrich (who joined 2005) was busy with studying Chinese and writing TV screenplays. We had an early start and and a very good position in the market but over the years the online games business became more and more professional. We knew that at some point we would need to invest more time and money in Neodelight or see the project being outstripped by more business oriented ones. We finally decided that we wanted to find a company who could use and continue what we started. We are happy that we found 7Seas Technologies.
After the buyout will be completed I will now focus on my research and complete my diploma.

And what will happen next? More research? Creating a new or joining an existing company? Some consulting perhaps? Or something completely different? Stay tuned…